
Green-tech Specifier is the specification team within Green-tech that focuses on technical specification and creates landscape solutions for Landscape Architects, Contractors and Garden Designers.

Green-tech Specifier was established to meet the growing demand of Landscape Architects and Contractors who needed assistance at the specification, estimating and drawing stages of their projects.

Meet the team

Find out more about our Green-tech Specifier team and their areas of expertise and knowledge.

Would you like to join our team?

If you are interested in joining our team please contact us with you CV


CPD Seminars

The Green-tech Specifier team has a wealth of knowledge and experience of the landscape environment after many years of working with landscape contractors, architects and garden designers. Our portfolio of seminars can be presented online or at your workplace – we will even provide lunch!


Our blogs cover a wealth of topics from what is going on in the industry of urban landscaping. From blog posts on irrigation to vlogs about green roofs we have a great range of discussion topics for you to check out.