Wildflower Mixes
Project Assistance
Benefits of Wildflowers
Ecology and Environmental Benefits
Wildflowers bring many benefits, they provide a critical habitat for pollinators and support beneficial insects and wildlife, which is extremely important for the eco-system function and pollination. Wildflowers assist with improving soil health, preventing erosion, improving water quality, increasing yields and enhancing forage conditions for livestock. They enable you to create an eco-friendly area to attract wildlife and develop and maintain the health of your wildflower meadow/area.
Wildflower Environments
Wildflower spaces have increased in importance over recent years in both rural and urban environments. It’s not just wildflower lovers but landscapers, landscape architects, farmers,
conservationists and ecologists who recognise the benefits of wildflowers.
Wildflowers are one of the most versatile and simple additions to any landscape project. They can offer impact whether in an urban or rural environment. Wildflowers require a relatively low maintenance schedule and can be applied with ease to a small or large project area, offering
versatility for landscape architects and specifiers.
What we can offer
Our Standards
John Chambers operates within the Flora Locale framework abiding by the strict standards
on promoting and maintaining the restoration of wild plants for biodiversity, landscapes and people.
Meeting the Specification
John Chambers Wildflower Seed works with landscape architects and ecologists across the UK to create bespoke wildflower mixes that meet specific criteria. The team takes time to consider
biodiversity, location, flowering periods and project aspirations before it creates a mix suitable for a specification.
Perennial or Annual species?
The majority of wildflower mixes contain predominantly perennial species. This is where the plants will die back after flowering, produce seeds and will re-grow from the same plant the following year. Most native perennials will need to use the first year to establish before flowering from the second year onwards. Perennials are a long-term option, if looked after correctly they can last years. Perennials are often chosen because they don’t need to be planted every year and they are most commonly used on large areas that are reserved specifically for wildflower meadows.
Annuals are an effective way to introduce fast colour to an area. The plant will die after it has flowered and produced seeds, from which new plants will grow each year. Most seeds produced from annual species will only germinate if the soil is disturbed after removing the spent plants
(ie. re-cultivated). Annuals normally require re-sowing with a fresh seed mix every year
to keep a strong, colourful display (or every two years at worst). Annuals are a shortterm option; they are often chosen due to their appearance and ability to bloom within the first year. Because annuals need to be planted annually, they allow you to switch up your wildflower mix year on year with different species.
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